Grain Trader supports the generation of a file containing details of payments made to road freight service providers to be uploaded to the Australian Taxation Office to comply with Taxable Payments Annual Reporting (TPAR) legislation.
If you are not sure whether the TPAR requirements apply to you, or you need any more information about TPAR, please contact your accountant or tax advisor.
If you will be providing TPAR reports to the ATO, tick the option “Enable Taxable Payments Annual Reporting” on the Company Details branch of the Global Options window and select the option you will be using to report Withholding Tax deductions.
When you enable TPAR you will be prompted whether to update all suppliers who are marked as carriers by flagging them to include on TPAR reports:
This is an opportunity to update all carriers at once so it's a good idea to click Yes, otherwise you'll need to update each applicable carrier individually. If after answering Yes you want to exclude individual carriers from TPAR reports you can de-select them using the checkbox Include in TPAR reporting on the Supplier tab of the Supplier window:
You access the reporting functionality through the Reports | Suppliers | Taxable Payments Annual Report menu:
which will display the Taxable Payments Annual Reporting window:
Select the Financial Year you are reporting on from the selection box and click Create Batch. This extracts the required data from your supplier payment records in readiness for reporting. Notice however the icons and details in the Batch Status panel and on the tabs: the exclamation marks indicate where you haven't yet provided enough information to create the upload file:
Note also the Run Type panel: normally you would select the Production radio button. The Test option flags the output file as being for testing purposes only when uploading to the ATO.
Next, select the Sender Details tab. The Sender and Payer can be different; for example if your accountant submits the upload file they are the sender, whilst the Payer is always the Grain Trader business. The fields whose captions are in red indicate data that is compulsory. If the sender is your business, the easiest and most usual thing to do is to select the Use Company details where appropriate radio button and click Go. This will auto-populate as much data as possible from that stored in the database:
Otherwise the details for the sender will need to be manually entered.
Initially the Sender File Reference and Sender Contact Name boxes will be empty. For the former, it is recommended you click the Suggest button to give this TPAR Batch a meaningful name, and enter the compulsory contact name in the latter box. At this point, provided the other Sender details are complete and correct, the icon on the tab will change to a tick and you can move on to the Payer Details tab.
Once again, you can either use the Go button to auto-populate the fields as much as possible from your business details, or manually enter them if the payer is not your business.
Then click Apply and return to the Actions tab. Click the Create File button, select a location where the file will be saved to, change the filename from the default if required, then click Save.
You can then upload the file to the ATO. When you have been advised the upload has been succecssful and accepted by the ATO, come back to this window, select the batch from the Select Batch drop down box and click Commit Batch.
You will be prompted not to Commit the batch unless it has been successfully uploaded.
Proceeding will flag all the transactions reported in this batch so that they are not included in future batches. In accordance with the ATO specifications, you can upload TPAR files more often than the required once per year if you wish; only new or amended data will be included.
Once the file is committed you can print a summary report for your records using the Print Summary button and/or Payee Statements using the Print Advices button for each carrier that can be emailed or printed.