Setting Up Grain Trader For Transport Export

Before you can transfer load data from your Grain Trader Trading database into your Grain Trader Transport database you need to configure both databases, starting with the Transport (importing) database, as described in Setting Up Grain Trader For Import. After you have completed that step you should have made a note of the following details:

  1. The Customer XRef code in the Transport database assigned to the Trading entity customer;
  2. The Commodity XRef code in the Transport database for the transport commodity, and;
  3. The Storage XRef code in the Transport database for the default storage for the transport commodity.

You can then configure the Trading (exporting) database to create the transfer file. Select the Utility | Global Options menu,

Then select the Loads - Transport Export branch from the tree menu.

Check the Use Transport Export Functions checkbox, select the Transport supplier from the Select Carrier drop-down list and enter the details from the Trading database you have noted as described above into their respective boxes, as shown, then click OK.

From that point onwards, any load that uses the selected carrier in the Trading database will, when processed, generate a record in the import file.

Note: It is not possible to generate the transfer data retrospectively.

gt3/loads/import/defined/gtdatabase.txt · Last modified: 20/08/2018 14:24 (external edit)
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