1. Download the current installation setup program as advised by CDA Software.
2. If this is a new installation you should have received Licence details via email from CDA Software. Copy the Licence Name and Key from the email into a regular text file and save it in the same folder as the installation program in step 1. If it is a re-installation and your licence details are unchanged this text file may already be present and the details can be re-used. If neither of these apply contact CDA Software for a new Key.
3. Login to the workstation as an Administrator and go to Control Panel – Add or Remove Programs. Click Add New Programs and browse to the installation setup program file downloaded in step 1, then select and run the setup program.
4. If this is a re-installation and Windows has not also been re-installed go to step 6. Otherwise run the Grain Trader program. After a second or two you should see the Demonstration & Evaluation Version window. Click OK.
5. Select the Help | About menu and click the Registration button. Enter the Licence Name and Key, as advised by CDA Software and saved to a file in step 2 above.
6. Close the program and restart it to verify it runs OK. If your installation of Windows is so configured, log off Windows and login as a user and confirm the same.
7. If there are any problems please don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance.