1. Download the current installation setup program as advised by CDA Software.
2. If this is a new installation you should have received Licence details via email from CDA Software. Copy the Licence Name and Key from the email into a regular text file and save it in the same folder as the installation program in step 1. If it is a re-installation and your licence details are unchanged this text file may already be present and the details can be re-used. If neither of these apply contact CDA Software for a new Key.
3. Login to the Server as an Administrator and go to Control Panel – Add or Remove Programs. Click Add New Programs and browse to the installation setup program file downloaded in step 1, then select and run the setup program.
4. After the Setup Wizard has completed, follow the prompts on the Windows Install Application dialog to complete the installation.
5. Copy the CDA Grain Trader 3 icon that has been placed on the Server Desktop and paste the copy on the Desktop also. Right-click the copy and select Properties from the context menu. On the Shortcut tab of the Properties window, add the words SERVER REGISTER at the end of the Target box, so that it looks like this (your path may be different):
"C:\Program Files\CDA Software\CDA Grain Trader 3\CDA Grain Trader 3.exe" SERVER REGISTER
6. Double-click the new shortcut. After a second or two you should see the Enter Key window where you can enter the Licence Name and Key, as advised by CDA Software and saved to a file in step 2 above.
The new shortcut is no longer required and can be deleted.
7. Open a Command prompt window and navigate to the folder:
C:\Program Files\CDA Software\XYWinService
8. Run the following commands in the Command window:
xywinservice –i
Followed by:
xywinservice –r
These commands install the Grain Trader 3 Licence Server as a Windows Service and start the service respectively.
9. Run Grain Trader 3 and verify it starts and runs OK. Login as a user and confirm the same.
10. If there are any problems please don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance.