Grain Trader can export transaction details to ASCII text files which can then be imported periodically into your General Ledger accounting package.
Receipts and Payments are exported to individual files, whilst all other transactions (ie Sales and Purchases) are exported to a third file. Receipts and Payments data does not include details of the individual debtor or creditor account because this would expose a high risk of errors (ie debtor/creditor names and/or account identifiers would have to be guaranteed to match to make this of any use). That is, only the amounts are transferred to the control accounts in the GL package. The export files are created automatically if they do not exist at the time a transaction needs to be logged.
At this time the facility supports either Attache or MYOB formats, however other formats will be provided if required subject to negotiation and provided that both an import facility exists and the import requirements are readily available from the GL package manufacturer/distributor.
To set up the export facility in Grain Trader, logon as the Admin user then:-
This procedure refers to MYOB Accounting, however it should be similar for other editions of MYOB.
Contents: Sales & Purchases transactions.
Format: Plain text file, comma-separated values. Located in the same directory as the GT99 database. Debit Account Line: Reference, Trans Date, Description, Debit Account no, Amount, 0.00 Credit Account line: Reference, Trans Date, Description, Credit Account no, 0.00, Amount Empty line
21212,24-11-00,,,50.00,0.00 21212,24-11-00,,,0.00,50.00
21212,24-11-00,,9765.10,5.00,0.00 21212,24-11-00,,0,0.00,5.00
21213,24-11-00,,,50.00,0.00 21213,24-11-00,,1200.10,0.00,50.00
21213,24-11-00,,0,5.00,0.00 21213,24-11-00,,9765.10,0.00,5.00
21214,24-11-00,027824 CANOLA SEED,11081020,9908.42,0.00 21214,24-11-00,027824 CANOLA SEED,9200.10,0.00,9908.42
21214,24-11-00,027824 CANOLA SEED,9765.10,990.84,0.00 21214,24-11-00,027824 CANOLA SEED,0,0.00,990.84
Contents: Receipt transactions.
Format: Plain text file, comma-separated values. Located in the same directory as the GT99 database. Debit Account Line: Reference, Trans Date, Description, Cash At Bank account no, Amount, 0.00 Credit Account line: Reference, Trans Date, Description, Credit account no, 0.00, Amount Empty line
12345,27-09-00,Chq Dishonoured,cab,-250.00,0.00 12345,27-09-00,Chq Dishonoured,9880.10,0.00,-250.00
65432,27-09-00,Receipt,cab,250.00,0.00 65432,27-09-00,Receipt,9880.10,0.00,250.00
Contents: Payment transactions.
Format: Plain text file, comma-separated values. Located in the same directory as the GT99 database. Debit Account Line: Reference, Trans Date, Description, Debit Account no, Amount, 0.00 Credit Account line: Reference, Trans Date, Description, Cash At Bank Account no, 0.00, Amount Empty line
1038,12-04-01,Cheque Cancelled,9700.10,-200.00,0.00 1038,12-04-01,Cheque Cancelled,cab,0.00,-200.00
0001000,24-11-00,Payment,9700.10,9178.62,0.00 0001000,24-11-00,Payment,cab,0.00,9178.62
0001001,24-11-00,Payment,9700.10,51.50,0.00 0001001,24-11-00,Payment,cab,0.00,51.50
0001002,24-11-00,Payment,9700.10,4452.25,0.00 0001002,24-11-00,Payment,cab,0.00,4452.25
0001003,24-11-00,Payment,9700.10,8304.86,0.00 0001003,24-11-00,Payment,cab,0.00,8304.86
0001004,24-11-00,Payment,9700.10,1964.70,0.00 0001004,24-11-00,Payment,cab,0.00,1964.70