After setting up your Grain Trader Pricing Points you will be able to record the Daily Market Price for each Commodity and Pricing Point. This is carried out on the Daily Market Prices window from the View | Daily Market Prices menu.
For each Commodity Group, you select a Base Commodity (grade) from which the Daily Market Prices of all other Commodities (grades) in that Group are calculated. To designate the Base Commodity just select it by clicking in any cell in that row in the grid then click the Set as Base button. The Base Commodity/grade is always shown at the top of the Group and is highlighted with a yellow background.
If the selected Commodity is already the Base for that Group the Set as Base button is greyed out.
You then enter an adjustment amount (plus or minus) for each other Commodity/grade in the Group and for each Pricing Point into the cells for those Commodities. You should select a Base Commodity before entering the adjustment amounts for each other Commodity/grade in the Group. When entering data in the grid you can press the <TAB> key to accept your entry and move to the next cell to the right or next row down as applicable, click in another cell with the mouse, or press <ENTER> and use the arrow keys or mouse to move from cell to cell.
For example, you could designate F1 Barley as a Base Commodity. Then at a particular Pricing Point you might assign a price adjustment of -$40 for F2, -$70 for F3 and so on. You do not need to enter dollar signs in the grid cells; these are added automatically.
Whenever you have changed a value in the grid, the affected cells are all highlighted in bold, and the heading for the Group is prefixed with an asterix, in order to give you visual clues about what has been changed. These highlights are removed when your changes have been saved.
You then need only enter the Daily Market Price for each Base Commodity on a regular basis, and all the derived prices will automatically be recalculated.
You can toggle a preview of the overall picture by clicking the Preview button:
Click Apply to save any changes and leave the window open, or OK to save changes and close the window.
You also have the option to copy Daily Market Price formulas to a new Commodity (provided the existing Commodity is not the Base Commodity for the Commodity Group) when using the Copy to New button on the Commodity window: